Daisychain automatically unsubscribes people who request to be opted-out by using certain keywords.
Automatic Opt-Outs
If someone sends a message using opt-out keywords (see below), that person will be automatically marked as opted out. This means that you will no longer be able to send that person another message through Daisychain unless they are opted back in.
Standard Opt-Out Keywords
Non-Standard Opt-Out Keywords
In addition to the standard keywords listed above, Daisychain will also opt out people who reply using variations and misspellings of these keywords, as well as a variety of hostile responses that clearly indicate that someone doesn't want to be messaged.
While Daisychain automatically process opt-outs for a variety of keywords (like "stop" and "unsubscribe"), it only does so when that word is the only word in a message in order to prevent "false-positives" -- we don't want to accidentally opt someone out who wants to receive your messages.
Manual Opt-Outs
You can also opt-out a person manually by clicking the "opt-out" button, which appears below their name in the Inbox and in their Profile.