When you import a CSV into Daisychain, you should include column headers for each field.
Standard headers found in the template file (available here and in Step One of the CSV Import Wizard). Alternative header names are accepted too -- see the table a the bottom of this help doc!
Note that you do not need to include all of the fields below -- you're welcome to just include, for example, name and phone number.
Values for this field must be "TRUE" to ensure a person can receive emails through Daisychain.
Values for this field must be "TRUE" to ensure a person can receive text messages through Daisychain.
If values for this field are "TRUE", the person will be marked as unsubscribed for text messages through Daisychain.
Often known as "line two" of an address.
Town or city
State, province, or region. Values for this field should be two or three letters, following the ISO 3166 standard. In the United States, use the two letter abbreviation for the state.
Also known as a ZIP code or post code.
Values for this field should be two letters. If you're unsure of the right two-letter country code, please reference the List of ISO 3166 country codes, and look for the Alpha-2 column.
Values for this field should be lowercase and without any spaces -- any spaces in tags should be replaced by dashes. Multiple tags can included in a single column, separated by commas. Tags need to first be created in Daisychain before they can be added with a CSV upload.Full list of accepted header names
Field Name Accepted Inputs First Name first_name, firstname, FirstName, First Name, first name, fname, FName, First Last Name last_name, lastname, LastName, Last Name, last name, lname, LName, Last Email email, Email, email_address, emailaddress, EmailAddress, email address, Email Address Phone Number phone_number, phonenumber, PhoneNumber, phone number, Phone Number, phone, Phone, Cell Phone, cell_phone, cellphone, CellPhone, cell phone, mobile, Mobile, Mobile Phone, mobile_phone, mobilephone, MobilePhone, mobile phone Email Opt-In email_opt_in, emailoptin, EmailOptIn, email opt in Email Opt-Out email_opt_out, emailoptout, EmailOptOut, email opt out SMS Opt-In sms_opt_in, smsoptin, SmsOptIn, sms opt in SMS Opt-Out sms_opt_out, smsoptout, SmsOptOut, sms opt out Post Office Box post_office_box, postofficebox, PostOfficeBox, post office box Street Address street_address, streetaddress, StreetAddress, street address, Street Address, address, Address Postal Code postal_code, postalcode, PostalCode, postal code, zip_code, zipcode, ZipCode, zip code, Zip Code, Zip, zip Extended Address extended_address, extendedaddress, ExtendedAddress, extended address City locality, Locality, City, Town, city, town State/Region region, Region, State, state, province, Province Country country, Country Tags tags, Tags, tag, Tag